欢迎欢迎 ยินดีตัอนรับ Welcome MudKqdkyg\ pyf.wgef;bl,cj;

Apr 7, 2010

vmh:pAwf:P; Connection pof:oh:

tlnf:auj.cof uh;uh;vmwf;oj; Net Connection cofeh.xdlif:ej,/ bgef;ydlof;ehsv; cj;pof:auj;qifvh; wSrf;yefvmh:pAwf:P; Connection pof:oh:eh.bof./ tgefwmif:Okwf: uGj,wD;e[: Start > Control Panel bof.auj;uGj,wD; Network cdkef:uGj,eAuf:wD; View Status ayj:eefref:awtguf, Network Connection pof:rj:/ ayj:bof.ckdef:uGj,eAuf:wD; Details ayj:eefref:awtguf,rj: Network Connection Details bof.auj.cdkef:pjrmh Default Gateway wD;eh.rmh Default Gateway cj;aw.yAef ayj:pof:vh;rmh Default Gateway pof:bof.qdkif cdkef:uGj,ydkwf, Notepad tguf,rj:/ bof.auj;ayj.O[,e[: Notepad eef.oj;

ping; tefoj;eef.ref:awvh;ayj;O[, rmh Default Gateway pof:

bof.auj.Odrf:oh.edlof Desktop pof:/ ayj:pof:Odrf:oh.qdkifO[,qdkof;ref:oj; myconnection.bat bof.auj.vdluf;yefwD; Save as type: yAef All File bof.auj.eAuf: OK ayj:eefawvh;pef Icon rdlefqdlif.eefseoh.eh./ ayj:eefcdkef:eAuf:yefwD; connection tefrD:vdlof Desktop eef.Ogifurf:ayj:ehqdkif ref:awtqef(wdkwf.)yef Connection pof:oh.bof./ ayj:eefpof:awvh;pefoj; Network Connection pof:ref:awoh:rjvdlofuof,bof./

Apr 6, 2010

vmh:q[.wdkof: CMD qef.iof./

CMD tefoj;eh. ref:yAef Command bof.auj; pof:q[.wdkof:ref:vh;vmhvgif;/ rdlefqdlif.eef pof:awydkwf, Firefox trf,eef Notepad quGj,qdlof:eh./ bof.auj;pof:q[.wdkof:ref:aO wSrf; Virus quG,qdlof:eh.bof./ Oifqdlof.oj;pof:cSefvmh:q[.wdkof: CMD qdkif ref:awimhwgef;wj,pof:aOtrf,uj: Virus auj;ref:awtrf,rj: bj.cGmrf:pof:vh;cj;/ wD;eh.aw. awse,uGj,vmh:imhref:ulef:cj;/

tgef,wmif:Okwf: pof:trf,yh,sw,eh.pof:awvh;N.oh;urf.zgif; vgif;(vdlif;) CMD cj;/

Start eh.yAefwgef;wj,awydkwf, Softwear trf,eef Program aOteftefcj;/ ydlif;wSuf;ref: ayj:cj;ayj;O[,e[: cmd oj; Start firefox ehqdkif ref:aw ydkwf,yef Mozilla firefox bof./

cd eh.yAefwgef;wj,awyef OAef;wmif:cof;ql: tefpof:ch.cof;ql:eef.cj;/ ydlif;wSuf;ref: ayj:cj;ayj.O[,e[: cmd oj; cd desktop ehqdkif ref:awcof;uGj,ql:edlof Desktop ulnf: wmif,tefref:awtrf,uyf:umhcj;/

dir eh.aw.ref:awse,yeftefpof:ch;wlnf:bof./ rdlefqlif.eefayj:pof:ch;wlnf:oj;edlof Desktop pof:rD:Oifvmhvmhehqdkif pof:uGj,ayj;O[,e[: cmd eef.oj; cd desktop pof:awvh;cof;uGj,ql: Desktop pof:tgef,wmif: bof.auj.eAuf: Enter bof.cdkef:Odkyf,ayj;O[,xSif:oj; dir bof.auj.eAuf: Enter ayj:eefref:awse,yefpof:oj;edlof Desktop pof:eh.rD:Oifoh.vmhvmh/ 'mif.---ayj:pof:ch;wlnf:oj;e[:cGmrf:pof:eh. rD:Oifvmhvmhehqdkif ayj:O[,e[: cmd eef.oj; dir/s bof.auj.eAuf: Enter ayj:eefref:awse,rj:rlwf:rlwf:bof.cj;/cj;pof:awO[,yefxSif;bl,cj; vgif; cmd eh. ulnf:uj;cj;trf,yh,rD:cmof:bmrf:sv; bgef:udkwf:oh.wD;eh.ugef,cj;/ Oifqdlof.oj;rD:acj;xmrfehqdkif wSrf;O[,e[: C box trf,eefOlif, e mail rj:wD;cj;auj;vh;bl,cj;/ cGmrf:yeftdwf:edkif;cj;/

Apr 4, 2010

Zawgyi - Tai Fonts

wSrf;vduf;wh:e[: G talk vh;bof./
rdlof;eh.cj;pof:vh;cmof,rj:oj; wSrf;vduf;wh:e[: Gtalk vh;bof.ehsv; c[;ydkefazcmof,tefeh.yefyD;egif.wh:pof:cof qdlof:tefrj:sv(tSof,)wlnf: Website cj;/ cj;pof: Install wlnf:e[:cGmrf:cj;pof:cj;bof./ ref:q[.wdkof:vh;aw.aw.cj;atj;/ bof.auj;ref:awtrf,rD:yef,pjOifcj;/ pof:rD: Zawgyi-0ne font rmef;auj;trf,yAefOifcj; q[.wdkof:vh;wif:Ogiftefcj;/ wgef;wj,aw Download aw. eAuf;wD;eh.cj; ayj:oj; Download bof.bof.qkdif Install O[,yefe[:cGmrf:pof:/ ayj: Install O[,yefe[:cGmrf:pof:auj.q[.vh;bof./ 'mif.----vguf;rdkof: Zawgyi-Tai unicode sv; vguf;rdkof:auj;qmh:rdlefuefulnf:cj;/bgef;ydlof;tlnf:auj;pof:cofxmrf,rj:oj; Zawgyi Tai Unicode aw.OGmif:O[,e[:cGmrf:pof:bof. Orf.awpAwf:pdkofq[.wdkof:ehsv;cj;pof:awseyefvmh:q[.wdkof:ref:cj;/ wlnf:wD;w[;eh.cj;sv;/ vmh:OGmif:ref:aw. uGj, Double click trf,eef Right > Open edlof Zawgyi Tai tefpof: Download rj:eef./ bof.auj.eAuf: Next bof.eAuf:xSif; Install bof.auj;vdluf;yef No, I'll restart my computer later aO cdkf:Odkyf,eAuf:yef Finish auj;bof.bof/ ayj:eefref:awpef Zawgyi Tai Unicode rD:wD; Bar pof:eef.bof./ ayj:ch;vkuf;wD; English vmhyAefwh:qdkif eAuf:yef Ctrl + Shilf auj;vh;bof./ ayj:eefvduf;wh:auj;vh;bof.cj;/ P;umrf,vDaOurf:

Apr 3, 2010

The easy way to defarg our disks

rdlof;eh.cj;pof:wmif, Softwear wgef;wj,awcmyf; File qdlof:tefblif.uGj,eef;
Softwear tefqdkof;oj; Auslogics Disk Refarg yAef Softwear tefwj,awvmif. trf,eef cyf; File tefqdlof:pof:q[.wdkof:aO blif.uGj,eef.bof./ e[:cGmrf:pof:auj;ref:rD:bl,/ ulnf;uj; ayj:awtof Softwear tefyj:rj:e[:cGmrf:pof:eef.aO cyf;qdkif ref:awpdkifej,/ ayj:tof Softwear (Auslogics disk refarg) eh.cyf;aw.ref:awtrf,pdkif/ wgef;wj,aw Download Softweartefeh.aw. eAuf:wD;eh. ayj: Download bof.qdkif Install O[,yefe[:cGmrf:pof: rdlefeif,wD;w[.eh./ayj: Install bof.qdkifawvh;pef Auslogics Disk Defrag rD:bl,wD;edlof Desktop pof:/ wgef;wj,awsw, ayj:pof:pef Auslogic Disk Defrag edlof Desktop bof.qdkif uGj,eAuf:yef Double Click trf,eef Right Click > open wD;edlof Auslogics Disk Defrag eef./ bof.auj;cdkef:Odkyf,eAuf: Defrag ayj:eefref:awcyf;uGj,yefbof./ pof:awvh;y[,urf:edkif;ulnf:/ ayj:ref:bof.qdkif ref:awtguf,rj:oj; Defragmentation Results ehbof./ ayj:eefpof:eAuf:yef Close ehtdkwf:ySwf;auj;bof.bof./ pof:cyf;vh; File pof:erfuj;pdkofauj; vDueef.bof./ bgef.ydlof;oj;ref:awuGj,ar:yef System tefqdlof:blif.oh.eef.bof./P;urf,vDaOurf:

Facing the worry

People always worry about their family, jobs and lots of things. Today I'll tell you about how to stop worry. Here are the way.


1. If you want to avoid worry, do what Sir William Osler did: Day-tight compartments." Don't stew about the future. Just live each day until bedtime.

2. The next time Trouble - with a Capital T - backs you up in a corner. Try the magic formula of Willis H. Carrier:

a. Ask yourself,"What is the worst that can possibly happen if I can't solve my problem?"

b. Prepare yourself mentally to accept the worst if necessary.

c. Then calmly try to improve upon the worst which you he already mentally agreed to accept.

3. Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health. "Those who do not know how to fight worry die young."

Apr 2, 2010

vguf;vmh:q[.wdkof: CMD aO Odlif,Odrf: Folder
rdlofeh.cj;pof:rD:cmof:bmrf:wef:oh.tdwf:edkif;sv; cj;pof:auj;qifvh;wSrf;vgif; CMD bof./
wgef;wj,awsw, uGj,e[: Start Menu > Run bof.auj;ayj;O[, cmd aOeAuf: Enter trf,eef OK ayj:eefref:awtguf, Command rj:tefedkif;rdlefeifseoh.eh. 'mif. pof:awvh;tof Folder pof:O[,oh.e[: D: trf,eef E: quGj,qdlof:eh.bof./ wD;eh. cj;pof:awtof Folder O[,oh.e[: D: aOpAwf:seuGj,cj;atj;/

cdkef:Odkyf,ayj;O[,e[: Command eef.oj; cd \ bof.auj.eAuf: Enter cdkef:Odkyf,ayj;xSif;oj; D:
bof.ckdef:eAuf: Enter xSif;/ cdkef:Odkyf,ayj;O[,xSif;oj; attrib +r +s +a +h "file" bof.auj;cdkef:eAuf: Enter ayj:eef Folder tefqdkof;oj; File eef.ref:awpmhuGj,bof./

ayj:ch;P;ref:tguf,rj:cdkef:qdkif wD; +r +s +a +h eef.vmhayj;O[, -r -s -a -h aOeAuf: Enter auj.bof.bof./

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