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Jul 22, 2010

လြꨀ္ꨳလꨤꨯးꨅ္ꨮꨵတိုဝ္း Tasks ꨀိုꨀ္း Run ꨡꨓ္မ္ꨮꨲ New

ပိူင္ꨳတꨰꨀ္ꨳမꨓ္း ေပꨣးꨟဝ္းꨀꨮꨣꨲတီꨳ Run ေသေပꨣꨳသ္ꨮꨲ calc ယဝ္ꨵေꨀꨣꨳꨓꨱꨀ္း Enter ꨅိုင္မꨓ္းေတပိုတ္ꨲပꨓ္ Calculator

လိꨀ္ꨳꨡꨓ္ꨅိူဝ္းတီꨳတ္ꨮꨵ(ꨡꨓ္ပꨱꨓ္သီလမ္)ꨓꨯꨵပꨱꨓ္တူဝ္ပြတ္း ꨡꨓ္ꨟဝ္းေပꨣးသ္ꨮꨲꨓ္ꨮး Run ေသပိုတ္ꨲလꨯꨳ။

Calculator calc

Command Prompt cmd

Firefox (if installed) firefox

Internet Explorer iexplore

Microsoft Word (if installed) winword

Microsoft Excel (if installed) excel

Microsoft Outlook (if installed) outlook

Notepad notepad

Wordpad wordpad

Open Control Panel control

Open Program Files folder %programfiles%

Shutdown Windows shutdown

Restart Windows shutdown -r

Log Off Windows logoff

Registry Editor regedit

Task Manager taskmgr

Windows Update Launches wupdmgr


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